Saturday, November 29, 2008

A moment of silence, please....

We lost to KU, of all teams. How could we? We're so much better than them.
When will our defense ever learn to tackle?
When will the offense realize that the only decent thing they can do is run the ball?
Why did we have to mess up so horribly??
I'm going to be depressed for about 30 whole more minutes.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

2009 Calendar

Hey y'all!

If anyone would like to order a 2009 calendar (with my photos!!) leave a comment. I am ordering one for myself (at $7.99), and you get a better deal if you order more than one. I might charge you like, two extra dollars so as I can make a profit, but trust me, it'll be a lot cheaper than most other calendars you can find. Hopefully, if I get all the orders in on time (lets say...Dec 9th), you all will be able to have them before Christmas. They are being ordered via VistaPrint, a company about whom I've heard many good things.

Anyway, if you're interested...comment away!

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!